


My current hair routine - Maple Holistics, Biovax and more...

My current hair routine - Maple Holistics, Biovax and more...
Hi friends! I haven't written anything for so long, but now I'm extremely glad that I could post something again. I missed it. Hopefully, I will do it regularly now. I also want to try something new, but I'm not sure if it will work. We will see :) 

Today I came to you with something amazingly not amazing - my current hair routine. It's simple. It's short. But for me it works. :)
At first, I have to be honest with you. I'm not good at taking care of my hair. Actually, I am terrible hair person. I don't use many hair products. I can't style my hair. I'm sometimes to lazy to even brush it. My hair also aren't amazing. They're thin and damaged all the time. But after many years I finally discover my own way to make my hair a little better . I'm proud of it and want to share it with you.
As I said before it's nothing complicated. It contains only 4 products. So here it goes. It's all about proper products.


Sweaters, Jumpers, Sweatshirts, Hoodies - Winter Closet Necessities

Sweaters, Jumpers, Sweatshirts, Hoodies - Winter Closet Necessities
I dont't know how about your country, but here in Poland winter has officially started  few weeks ago. We've got snow.. sometimes.. Maybe not today.. But it's definitely cold. So this is perfect time to look inside your wardrobe and pull on a cute fluffy sweater or comfortable baggy sweatshirt.

I'm generally not into this season, I like snow..  Only when i look on it through my window, sitting under warm blanket with cup of hot tea. But when it comes to a closet - I'm a real booster. I love jumpers, knits, sweaters, hoodies.. Almost everything. So this is the reason why I'm writing this post. I want to share with you some stuff, which I find beautiful and maybe give you an inspiration.
So shall we started?

 First of all, I wanna show you few sweaters. Some of them are cute, some a bit elegant. But I think that they could be use for most of occasions.
